KDHX asked Wrenbird Design to help develop logos for facilities at their new station headquarters in Grand Center, St. Louis. The Stage is a multi-purpose music and events space at the station, and the Magnolia Café is a coffee bar at that will be open daily.
Part of the challenge with these logos was that they needed to be completely different BUT still fit with the overarching KDHX Branding, as well as work as a system when being displayed next to each other, as both facilities are on the first floor of the KDHX building.
For the Stage logo we wanted to create a sense of rhythm and contrast inspired by music, while giving a reflection of the sophisticated urban vibe of the neighborhood.
The Magnolia Café logo’s inspiration was drawn from classic diners and coffee shops, and we wanted to make a mark for a place where we would want to sit and stay for a while. We chose a nice 1940s script and contrasted it with a very clean typeface from the same era.